================================================================================== Version (09 October 2024) ================================================================================== NEW - Support Vecto 3.4 FIXED - Report generation sometimes fails ================================================================================== Version (26 September 2024) ================================================================================== MISC - Added support for loading custom sensor types - Added support for 100 frames per second PMU - Added support for synchrophasor streaming configuration - Added setting PMU name, station name, and ID - Added support for Parallel Delta/Phase-To-Phase monitor ================================================================================== Version (19 June 2024) ================================================================================== FIXED - DB Upgrader does not upgrade versions prior V5.3.3 ================================================================================== Version (24 April 2024) ================================================================================== FIXED - Transcoder service missing files on installation ================================================================================== Version (13 March 2024) ================================================================================== FIXED - Data download sometimes gets interrupted on older meters - Sparklines not showing for events ================================================================================== Version (19 February 2024) ================================================================================== FIXED - Data download gets interrupted on older meters for large downloads - Incompatability between Vecto III releases 9.0.1 and 9.2.1 ================================================================================== Version (06 February 2024) ================================================================================== NEW - Added Oscillation Phasor Support (from Vecto III V9.1 upwards) - Added Average Current (from Vecto III V9.1 upwards) - Added Ripple Current (from Vecto III V9.1 upwards) - Added Total Supra Harmonic Distortion (from Vecto III V9.1 upwards) - Added Prevailing Harmonic Magnitude Ratio (from Vecto III V9.1 upwards) - Support Vecto Transient Gains - Ability to reload decoders FIXED - Ignore Phase setting not stored ================================================================================== Version (20 July 2023) ================================================================================== FIXED - Event download failes on new database ================================================================================= Version (17 July 2023) ================================================================================== FIXED - Meter point creation fails ================================================================================= Version (07 July 2023) ================================================================================== NEW - DB support for small signals update in Vecto III V8.5 FIXED - DB Upgrade not working for DB versions older than V5.1 ================================================================================= Version (25 May 2023) ================================================================================== NEW - Continuous diagnostics can now be exported in CSV format - Allow user to set a limit on the number of events that can be captured per hour - Allow user to set threshold on voltage and current under which the monitor will not be active FIXED - Unable to get miscellaneous settings from older meters - Unable to plot higher harmonics bands for parameters other than percentage of declared voltage ================================================================================== Version (22 May 2023) ================================================================================== FIXED - Brute force importing sometimes fails ================================================================================== Version (12 May 2023) ================================================================================== NEW - Support Vecto Transient - Support for 500kHz Waves for Vecto Transient FIXED - Copy image to clipboard not working - Firewall exception adds wrong folder - PQDIFF Export sometimes not working ================================================================================== Version (13 December 2022) ================================================================================== MISC - Generate RTF format reports instead of DOCX FIXED - PDF reports not generating - Event voltage and current wave selection broken ================================================================================== Version (01 December 2022) ================================================================================== FIXED - Sometimes filtered trends do not dowload correctly - Bruteforce import not working ================================================================================== Version (30 Nov 2022) ================================================================================== FIXED - Automatic download is not working - Images on chart selector not displaying - Osprey Lite DB creation functioning correctly for new installs ================================================================================= Version (21 Nov 2022) ================================================================================== NEW - Ported Osprey Lite Services to .Net 6 - Refactored frontend and backend communication protocol - Deployed Transcoder service for backwards compatibility - Support for Vecto 3 firmware V9 - Export continuous wave recorded data FIXED - DigitalIO monitor does not save ================================================================================== Version (12 July 2022) ================================================================================== Fixed: Harmonic spectrum not plotting on first attempt ================================================================================== Version (08 June 2022) ================================================================================== FIXED - Some textboxes not accepting decimal values CHANGED - Web Interface Service can now be enabled or disabled irrespective of whether the instrument supports it ================================================================================== Version (16 Feb 2022) ================================================================================== FIXED - Can't enable HMI from service settings ================================================================================== Version (23 Nov 2021) ================================================================================== FIXED - Harmonic selector not always displaying when plotting trends ================================================================================== Version (2 Sept 2021) ================================================================================== NEW - Enable/Disable device web interface under: Manage Instrument -> Service Settings FIXED - Enable/Disable DNS and gateway for instrument ethernet settings - Harmonic selector not always displaying when plotting trends CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (16 July 2021) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - Get started option not working with empty DB - Instrument ehternet settings not saving defualt zero values CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (30 June 2021) ================================================================================== NEW - Port Osprey Lite from Silverlight to WPF - Added Get Started menu option FIXED - N/A CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (08 December 2020) ================================================================================== NEW - Handle changes related to Vecto III V7.0 release - Support for mains signaling trends FIXED - N/A CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (03 March 2020) ================================================================================== NEW - Support for new topology - Delta voltage with phase current - Handle changes related to Vecto III V5.6 release FIXED - N/A CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (16 July 2019) ================================================================================== NEW - Handle changes related to Vecto III V5.5 release - Added ROCOF support - Added support for harmonic emmission calculation method - Added support for sequence component powers - Added support for importing older meter brute force downloads FIXED - False errors when importing continuous waves CHANGED KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (30 May 2019) ================================================================================== NEW - Handle changes related to Vecto III V5.3 release - Added ultra high definition trend support - External telemetry - Added support to download block harmonic monitor events FIXED - ESKOM export quality flag not set - Template monitors gives error when opening CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (12 February 2019) ================================================================================== NEW - Handle changes related to Vecto III V5.2 release - Ten min trend can now compute min/max values on RMS cycle data (post Vecto III V5.2 release) - Added WiFi signal strengh information to instrument status request - Added modem status fields to instrument status request - Added WiFi and modem telemetry channels - Added support for factory reset (post Vecto III release) FIXED - N/A CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (5 Aug 2018) ================================================================================== NEW - Support for Rapid Voltage Change monitor FIXED - Cycle profiles sometimes do not show for events when searching from last event CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (27 June 2018) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - EPQDIF VPre values in Dips/Surges - WiFi password validation - Vectograph and Provograph time sync ignored for leading time CHANGED - Refactored EPQDIF KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (06 April 2018) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - CSV export wave header using designated list separator - Trends not downloading on older instruments CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (29 March 2018) ================================================================================== NEW - Support for Vecto III - Support for 200Hz Freqeuncy bands - Support for Billing VARh - Delete range of data for all meter points FIXED - Realtime-view for not current meterponts show current from previously read current meterpoint CHANGED - Max pre start/stop duration changed to 60s for current exceedance event - Max post start/stop duration changed to 120s for current exceedance event KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (20 November 2017) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - Configuration -> Incorect styling for [Copy] button under Current. - PQDIF fixes: TagCharactDuration excluded as PQDiffractor cannot handle it. Trends now sorted. Residual Voltage now properly calculated. CHANGED - EPQDIF now exports Declared Voltage up to two decimal place accuracy. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (24 August 2017) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - Backwards compatibility for meters without GetMinDbLogLevel() - Voltage level selector now 6.6kV instead of 6.4kV CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (07 July 2017) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - N/A CHANGED - Increased Trend Viewer period for 3S and Variable trends to cater for 40Hz data. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (03 July 2017) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - Added missing Sqlite Interop DLL. - Increased the period for 3S data when determining date range availability. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (20 June 2017) ================================================================================== NEW - Option to search for events going backwards from last event found for meter point - Export to XML that can be imported by MicroSoft Excel FIXED - Fixed EPQDIF declared voltage for Impedo Duo/Vecto II instruments. - Fixed EPQDIF precision problem. - Handle service settings read/write for older instruments without PTP - Meter point description updated by one Osprey Lite now also displays on a second Osprey Lite CHANGED - Current sensor linking replaced with button to copy current sensor config to channel 4 KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (12 April 2017) ================================================================================== NEW - Added preference setting to specify allowable drift for legacy instruments before their clocks will be synchronized during download. The default is 60s. FIXED - Classification calculation of Max. - Frequency exceedence Min/Max. CHANGED - Copy system log to clipboard now also contains UTC time. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (08 March 2017) ================================================================================== NEW - Added maintenance function to restore original log and telemetry DBs on instrument FIXED - Real-time View -> Fixed Y axis rescaling every block. - Configuration -> Relay settings shows invalid available channels. - Reports -> Meter point "/" in name fails to export to PDF and DOCX. - Fixed calculation of VRMS_01 and VRMS_05 on report assessment. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (16 February 2017) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - N/A CHANGED - Direct DB download now downloads data chunk to disk to be imported at a later stage. The download is now more robust. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (27 January 2017) ================================================================================== NEW - EPQDIF export can now be done using secondary readings. FIXED - Fixed a bug where exporting data produced file that could not be imported. CHANGED - Improved firmware upgrade mechanism to handle edge cases KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (20 January 2017) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - Handle a bug where on older firmware configuring an instrument twice in a row mangled the diagnostic stop/start pre/post durations resulting in no diagnostic data being captured. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (10 January 2017) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - Error when data where more than 1500 segments are present in one download chunk. - EPQDIF export now defaults the configuration time from the METERING_CONFIGS record if the INSTRUMENT_CONFIGURATIONS record is not found. CHANGED - EPQDIF export now harvests the meter id from the trends/events for detached meter points. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (15 December 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - In some cases exceptions cannot be decoded causing login to fail CHANGED - Removed delete/export by segment KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (25 November 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - Delete unused meters and meter points - Log a warning if instrument does not have valid time or instrument time differs by more than 10 minutes from server time - Added firmware install option FIXED - (D-01262) Reports -> Voltage Harmonic report information overlaps incorrectly. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (15 November 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - Set Osprey Light log level from UI FIXED - Log messages from UI logged when below allowed logging level - Notifier sometimes do not start - EPQDIF export now derives Secondary Voltage by explicitly using a 400V Voltage Level to determine whether the Meter Point is VT connected. CHANGED - EPQDIF export now allows for more records to be exported in one export + enhanced logging. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (11 November 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - Display harmonic power angle and percentage of fundamental current in real-time view . - Display harmonic angle in real-time view (applicable to instrument firmware later than V2.1). - (B-02435) Configuration -> Added checkboxes to selectively specify "Upper" and "Lower" thresholds monitor settings. - Download -> Ability to disable 60s block download delay (applicable to firmware > 2.0.11). - Added PTP master clock service. - Added PTP time syncronization mode. - (B-02470) Configuration -> Added 400hz and 16.6Hz Supply Frequency options (applicable to Vecto II only). - (B-02471) Configuration -> Added Transducer type options based on Sensor Type selection. - (B-02472) Manage Instrument -> Added new [Set DNP Class Assignment Override] option. FIXED - CSV export of waveforms missed a comma between local timestamp and meterpoint id. - Continuous download stops for a specific instrument after a two consecutive connection fails. - When Topology, Frequency or Voltage Level has changed for a meter point outside of Osprey Lite, it is now updated in the database. - Issues that arise when connecting to a VectoGraph/ProvoGraph for which the meter point: - was previously attached to an Impedo Duo/Vecto II. - differs from the entry in the database by case only. - Block Voltage Unbalance monitor not working correctly. CHANGED - EPQDIF changes as requested by the client. - Support emails in DBUpgradeAssistent now sent using URL. - Disconnected VectoGraphs are now auto-connected when the corresponding flag has been set. - (B-02473) Configuration -> Update Meter Point config screen layout. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (29 July 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02434) Available Data -> Added hovering color for timeline section with tooltip. FIXED - N/A CHANGED - Preferences -> Added validation to "Graph Data Limit" to ensure that the limit cannot be smaller than 10000 records. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (29 June 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - Also export meter logs when exporting meter point data - Also export all log entries when exporting all data - CSV exports now also contain local Osprey Lite time FIXED - Fixed PQDIF export CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (13 June 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - Delete a selected unclassified event using the event viewer - (B-02410) Events -> Show brief alert, when event data is incomplete to view its detail. - Pinned windows now remember their state when switching between menu items. - (B-02414) Reports -> Added new "Consumption Summary" report. FIXED - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the UI to go into an inconsistent state - Event dip type classification no longer vibrates on mouse over - Pinned windows no longer carry over into other workspaces - Event Viewer failed with an integer overflow when querying over events with very long durations. - Osprey Lite Service terminates after importing. - In some cases an exported file cannot be imported again. - When only 10 Minute trends are downloaded, downloading is now stopped when no trends are returned even if the instrument is reporting that trends (supposedly high frequency trends) are still available for download. - (D-01254) Import Data -> Failed to import data that was exported to USB from Impedo DUO. - (D-01258) Trends, Telemetry -> Availability dates not correctly interpreted in local time. - (D-01259) Events -> Event Profile for Fast Transient events not working. - (D-01261) Meter Point selector -> Fixed sort on "Instrument" column. CHANGED - Faster importing when importing brute force downloads. - (B-02412) System Log -> Reworked data paging. - (B-02413) Preferences -> Added new configurable option "Graph Data Limit". KNOWN ISSUES - Importing data from a network / mapped drive may result in data imports failing. A suggested workaround is to copy the import file locally before importing. ================================================================================== Version (17 May 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - Prevent connection error from crashing Osprey Lite on Connect All. - Fixed 7-day assessment which was out by 1 day. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (12 April 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - DNP3 Baud rate configuration - Ability to connect to instrument with default fleet password while Osprey Lite's fleet password is set to a non-default value. - Password strength hints - (B-02384) Windows (Domain) authentication with multi-user support Added multi-instrument management options once Windows authentication is enabled. - Management of instrument authentication and authorisation features (firmware > v1.8) FIXED - (D-01251) Events, Trends, Telemetry -> Export filename with invalid characters causes file not be saved. - Event aggregation was incorrect when a later event had an earlier end date. - (D-01253) Events, Trends, Telemetry -> Data exports causes error when no chart is selected. - Brute force DB download of large databases fails with negative progress indication CHANGED - (B-02366) Events, Trends, Telemetry -> Added unit, e.g. "[kW]" to data export header. KNOWN ISSUES - (D-01252) UI -> Osprey Lite user interface disconnects unexpectedly from Osprey Lite Service. As a result, no feedback messages appear on the user interface (connection status, task status, etc.). Current workaround is to close the user interface and re-open it to re-establish a connection with the Osprey Lite Service. ================================================================================== Version (26 February 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - Billing can now be graphed as per interval values FIXED - Importing data from old meter that Osprey Lite was not connected to before caused import to fail CHANGED - (B-02340) Instrument authentication made stronger KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (05 February 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01250) Fixed VectoGraph and ProvoGraph configuration not loading into the database. CHANGED - Update task name to allow deletion of two different meterpoints at the same time - Fixed a bug occuring when creating a template from a current meter and applying it to a meter that does not have current - (B-02314) Service Connection -> Updated the "Connecting..." dialog, that appears when the 'Osprey Lite Service' is unreachable, with additional info. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (26 January 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - N/A CHANGED - Faster file import in case of duplicates. - Retry during brute-force DB import. - (B-02313) Installation -> Removed "de-DE" localisation file for now. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (13 January 2016) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02311) Reports -> Added "Description" column events listed on Event List report. FIXED - Only flag voltage sags and swells and not other monitors as well - Waves not always completely writting when exporting to CSV CHANGED - Show Instrument IP address and firmware version in Instrument Status Display (applicable to Impedo DUO > 1.6.13 and Vecto II > 1.6.13) - Tuned data compressing to improve insert time of event waveforms - System Log load all messages (up to 250000) - System Log filtering - Improved handling of corrupted file exports KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (26 November 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02302) Configuration -> Added new "Invert Current Polarity" fields (applicable to Impedo DUO > 1.6.4 and Vecto II > 1.6.8) - (B-02303) Timed Recording -> Repitition will now happen with period set by interval field. - (B-02304) Preferences -> Added "Data Export Delimiter" with options for CSV or tab. - (B-02306) Configuration -> Added "Relay Settings" to all monitors (applicable to Impedo DUO > 1.6.4 and Vecto II > 1.6.8). - (B-02307) Application -> Added Write Password feature to control access to certain functionality. FIXED - (D-01248) Reports -> Fixed Voltage Magnitude consecutive event table issues for NRS048 report. - (B-02305) Events -> Fixed "Two Out Of Three-Phase Voltage Interruption" event aggregation. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (02 November 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02300) Configuration -> Added new "Two Out Of Three-Phase Voltage Interruption" monitor. FIXED - (B-02299) In EPQDIF export (a) [Dips/Surges/Interruptions] records now shows depths instead of residual voltages. (b) [Currents], [Harmonic Currents], [Flickers] and [Powers] headers not shown anymore for VectoGraph. (c) Data under the [Voltages] and [Dips/Surges/Interruptions] headers are now exported with 1 decimal place instead of 3. - (B-02299) Fixed real-time view for VectoGraph. - (B-02299) Validation has been removed for phasor configuration for VectoGraph as it cannot be configured via the front-end. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (28 September 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02290) Configuration -> Added Rated Current input fields. - Total Demand Distortion - Prevailing Harmonics - (B-02293) Manage Instrument -> (a) Added new "Request Instrument Status" button. (b) Renamed existing "Diagnostics" section to "Advanced". FIXED - (QA-52) Reports > Events per Hour-of-Day and Day-of-Week now show in local time, not UTC time. - (D-01245) Manage Templates -> 50 Khz Interval monitors not appearing for Impedo DUO and Vecto II instrument type configuration. - (D-01246) Import -> When changing harmonic download mask for file (DB) imports, navigating back to Import screen after changing the mask still shows old mask. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (15 September 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01243) Trends, Events, Telemetry -> Fixed issue with graph viewer raising error when removing charts with parameters. CHANGED - Allow Timed Recording longer than 60s if waveforms and 1/6the Cycle RMS and Phasors are not selected. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (19 August 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01242) Reports -> Events & Consumption Summary calculations incorrect for same day date range queries. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (17 August 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02280) Real-time View -> Added option to continuously show real-time data. FIXED - (D-01240) Help -> Osprey Lite Help Manual link not working. - (D-01241) Download Data -> Screen state becomes unstable for connected instruments. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (12 August 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01239) Manage Instrument -> Fixed Modbus password incorrectly being saved when editing other "Miscellaneous Settings". CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (27 July 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02259) Configuration -> New Level Detection monitor. - (B-02264) Templates -> Added ability to import and export templates. - (B-02266) Trends -> Added ability to switch graph viewer into real-time mode, with automatic updates occurring every 10 minutes. - (B-02273) Download Data, Import -> Added ability to show meter point harmonic download masks. - (B-02276) Added 120kV to Voltage Levels on meter point configuration screen. FIXED - (D-01227) Events -> Waveforms captured with sub-sampling rates bigger than 1.0 not displayed. - (D-01230) "Osprey Lite Service Restart" utility now uses the Stop/Start scripts. - (D-01231) "Launch" button fixed on installer. - (D-01232) Fixed 10/12 Cycle Voltage Balance Exceedance Monitor Upper Limit Configuration. - (D-01233) Reports -> Meter Point configuration with voltage level of "Other" causes reports not to be created correctly. - (D-01234) Configuration -> Configuration screen encounters an error when new meter point is inserted automatically when an instrument connects. - (D-01235) Overlap of aggregated events now calculated correctly. - (D-01236) Events -> Fixed harmonic animation playback issue for non-overlapping events. - (D-01237) Configuration -> [Select Template] button not enabled correctly when attaching and detaching a meter point. - (D-01238) EPQDIF Export failed when Three-phase Voltage Dip/Swell and Three-Phase Voltage Interruption with the same timestamp is found. CHANGED - (B-02256) Aligned EPQDIF with the standards document. This included adding a Template Name field to the VectoGraph and Next Generation instrument meter point configuration screens. - (B-02258) ProvoGraph and VectoGraph Dip/Surge durations now calculated from the Start/End dates as the duration for longer events is incorrect. - (B-02258) Port can also now be specified along with the IP address for a ProvoGraph and VectoGraph. - (B-02261) Manage Instrument -> (a) Improved screen usability. (b) Added new "Manage Remote Service Settings" screen. - (B-02262) System Log -> (a) Changed default sort order to ascending for "Date Logged" column. (b) Removed "Machine Name" column. (c) Moved "Exception Message" column to 2nd from right. (d) Added filter row for quicker filtering. (e) Enabled Ctrl+A key press combination to select all rows in the grid. (f) Enabled text wrapping on all columns and set default widths. - (B-02272) Help -> (a) Renamed Impedo DUO link and changed location. (b) Added Vecto II link. (c) Renamed Osprey Lite link and changed location. - (B-02277) Available Data -> Optimized the screen. - (B-02278) Available Data -> Dates now default to last seven days. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (14 July 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01229) Fixed ProvoGraph/VectoGraph data retrieval over TCP socket where data is only read partially. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (30 June 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01226) Reports -> Fixed reports not running on Windows 8.0 and 8.1. - (D-01228) Import -> Fixed full DB import (.fexp). CHANGED - (B-02260) Addressables -> Automatic IP address update improvements. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (03 June 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01220) Trends, Telemetry -> Improved speed for the graph data availability control. - (D-01219) Export -> (a) DB export file extension incorrectly set to "bin.zip" instead of "bin.gz". (b) Remove invalid Windows filename characters when pre-populating an export filename. - (B-02257) Fixed universal culture settings to ensure consistent date and time formatting. - (D-01222) Trends, Telemetry -> (a) Data availability control incorrrectly limiting data points for plotting data availability lines. (b) Slider performance degrades with large amount of data availability line interval points. - (D-01223) Meter & Meter Point selectors -> "Online Only" states are not maintained correctly for when instruments connect and disconnect. - (D-01224) Configuration -> Current sensor type combo box items are duplicated. - (D-01225) Trends, Telemetry, Events -> Minimum and maximum dates for x-axis (horisontal) correlated to incorrect values when plotting additional charts with different date ranges. CHANGED - (B-02257) Trends, Telemetry -> (a) Disabled automatic querying of maximum available data range when the Trends or Telemetry views open for the first time. (B) Ensure that no automatic query of maximum available date ranges occurs when Trends or Telemetry is not the active view. - (D-01221) Download Data -> Removed task checking notification popup. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (29 May 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01218) Address book -> (a) Ensure IP updates correctly. (a) Setting IP Address manually failed. CHANGED - Removed additional logging KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (27 May 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - Added billing functionality - (B-02245, B-02248) Manage Instrument -> (a) Added ability to manage remote ethernet settings for 3rd generation instruments. (b) Added ability to manage remote miscellaneous settings for 3rd generation instruments. - (B-02242) Trends, Telemetry, Events -> (a) Added button to refresh available data in data range selector. (Trends & Telemetry only) (b) Added button refresh data in plotted charts. (c) Added max available date automatic searching and general performance improvements. (Trends & Telemetry only) - (B-02244) Import -> Added ability to import full database from 3rd generation instruments. - (B-02246) Runtime changed -> (a) Added 64-bit runtime architecture support. (b) Added Show runtime architecture as part of application title. - (B-02251) Address Book -> (a) Added new flag to set an instrument to automatically login when continuous download is enabled. (b) Added new [Connect All] button with option to connect only all with auto-connect flag set (see (a) above). - (B-02242) Preferences -> Added option to specify Trend & Telemetry automatic search date window size. FIXED - (D-01212) Events -> (a) Waveforms not displaying for fast transient events. (b) Classification and profile controls misbehaving for certain event types. - (D-01213) Trends -> Harmonic number missing from CSV data export headings. - (D-01215) Events -> Classification fails when out-of-bounds durations are queried. - (D-01216) Tasks -> Detect and prevent task duplicates from appearing. - (D-01217) Trends -> (a) Horizontal axis range becomes out of sync with period queried. (b) Data gap handling for 10s frequency and synchro-phasors not working correctly. CHANGED - (B-02243) Downloaded Data -> Moved "Change Highwater Mark" function here from Manage Instrument and renamed it to "Download New Data From". - (B-02242) Trends, Telemetry -> Changed data range selector control to locate latest available data and adjust date selections automatically, if no chart parameters are plotted. - (B-02253) Configuration -> Select online Instrument and available Meter, if there's only one option available, when attachig a Meter Point. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (16 March 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - N/A CHANGED - (B-02239) VectoGraph meter points, when blank, defaults to Substation then MPK where previously it was the other way around. Existing meter points are renamed as appropriate. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (5 March 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (B-02238) VectoGraph Export -> First/Last Profile dates now populated when no events captured. CHANGED - (D-01210) Reports -> (a) Added option to criteria to specify creating DOCX report. (b) PDF and DOCX (if selected) rendering optimisations. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (2 March 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - N/A CHANGED - (B-02236) ProvoGraph and VectoGraph Dip/Surge renamed to Dip/Swell. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (2 March 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (B-02235) Added missing ProvoGraph DLL CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (26 February 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - N/A CHANGED - (B-02233) VectoGraph Export -> (a) Data is now written in a single file with the latest configuration being reflected. (b) First/Last Event Date now reflects first/last event date (Dip, Spike, etc). (c) First/Last Profile Date now reflects first/last 10 minute sample. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (16 February 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01208) Events -> Fixed line chart parameters being disabled incorrectly when selecting a parameter(s). - (B-02231) Configuration -> Calculate voltage difference for single phase topology similar to star topology. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (04 February 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02225) Preferences -> Added new option to create DOCX reports with graphs as images in order to overcome Office for Mac rendering problems. FIXED - (D-01204) Trends -> Selecting interhamonic number for line charts, caused SQL error on certain locales. - (D-01205) Reports -> Fixed harmonic assessment logic error causing report to fail. - (D-01206) Reports -> Fixed "arithmetic overflow" database error. - (D-01207) Events -> Added missing phasor voltage & current parameters. CHANGED - (B-02227) Download Data -> Segment selection sets both from and to date input control values, based on the duration of the segment. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (23 January 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01203) Reports -> Start date of events was incorrectly displaying end date. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (21 January 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01201) Reports -> (a) Hide all current related info not available. (b) Hide specific info not applicable to specific instruments. - (D-01202) Reports -> Running report for Delta site failed. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (19 January 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (B-02221) Reports -> Fixed derivation of affected channels in report. - (D-01200) Reports -> Fixed various reporting standard and site configuration related issues. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (16 January 2015) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02172) Subset of data exportable to PQDIF format. - (B-02200) ProvoGraphs can now be configured and downloaded. - (B-02164) Report -> (a) Reworked UI. (b) Ability to produce EN50160 standard report. (c) PDF and DOCX file support. - (B-02206) Download Data -> Added new advanced option to download entire Impedo DUO remote database. - (B-02207) Events -> Added new [Copy to Clipboard] button to copy the list of events to the clipboard in CSV format. FIXED - (B-02199) Data now exports correctly when manually specifying the segment id. - (B-02203) VectoGraph clock sync will only happen when 1 second or above, not anything above 0 seconds. - (B-02203) Bad format for Dip/Surge and Phasor records will result in the record now being discarded, not handled as a partial record. - (B-02203) Dip/Surge indicators now derived correctly. - (B-02203) RMS_OVER now calculated correctly. - (B-02203) ByteLengthPrefixedPackedString wrote too many characters which could result in a buffer overflow. - (B-02204) In the event viewer, if any of the Min/Max values in the events being aggregated are null, the resulting MIN/MAX/Residual values are now displayed correctly. - (B-02205) Potential deadlock between Tasks and Server Gateway when the UI is busy. - (D-01192) Trends, Events, Telemetry -> Fixed line colour duplication issues. - (D-01190) Events -> Fixed parameter names for wave voltage and current parameters. - (D-01191) Events -> Gaps not appearing correctly for line graphs. - (D-01187) Trends, Events, Telemetry -> Fixed harmonic number functionality for parameter templates. - (D-01090) Configuration -> Removed "None" option from current "Sensor Type" fields. - (D-01193) Trends, Events, Telemetry -> Parameters with min/max associated parameters must all be plotted in the same colour. - (D-01196) Import -> Import failed when importing a file containing configuration templates. - (D-01197) Trends, Events, Telemetry -> Zoom synchronisation between multiple charts fail when plotting a zoom rectangle that touches an edge of a chart. - (D-01198) Events -> Incorrect parameters are enabled for Phasor graphs. - (D-01199) Events -> Phasor graph headings get cut off the screen, when limited to smallest possible size. - (B-02217) VectoGraph Export Fixes: Removed decimals from fields in "Configuration" and Declared Voltage in "Site". Exporter "OspreyExport" changed to "VectoExport". Configuration and Calibration date from UTC to local time. CHANGED - (B-02182) Download Data -> Screen layout enhancements. - (B-02202) Timed Recording -> Changed validation to not validate that Interval should be greater than Duration if Repetitions is set to 1. - (B-02195) Trends, Events -> Changed line display colour for different harmonic numbers plotted for the same parameter. - (B-02183) Download Data -> (a) Auto-select "Meter Point" field to first available item. (b) Propogate meter point selection from selection pane to "Meter Point" field. - (B-02210) Configuration -> Current channels enabled by default when creating a meter point. - (B-02168) System Log -> Moved [Load Events] button to the top, next to the input fields. - (B-02067) Real-time View -> Appended instrument serial number for selected meter point. - (B-02218) Trends, Events, Telemetry -> Appended chart type (Line, Spectrum or Phasor) to chart title. - (B-02219) Trends -> Reorganised synchrophasor parameters. - (B-02220) Trends, Events -> Reorganised harmonic spectrum parameters. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (27 November 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (B-02193) Time Source value in VectoGraph export file now displays correctly. - (B-02194) Fixed possible cause for duplicate VectoGraph download tasks. - (B-02196) Event detail viewer crashes when unchecking one parameter group and enabling another. - (B-02197) Legacy configuration now shown correctly once a meter point for a legacy instrument has been detached. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (17 November 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - N/A CHANGED - (B-02185) Improved derivation of Meter Point name and VoltageLevel for VectoGraph. - (B-02188) Improved robustness when connecting to a VectoGraph over a bad connection. - (B-02190) Metadata fields for VectoGraph finalized as per an Eskom VectoGraph in the field. - (B-02191) VectoGraph location download limited to 1000 before data is loaded into database. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (11 November 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01189) Events -> Added missing Voltage & Current cycle phasor parameters. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (10 November 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (B-02184) Can now connect to a VectoGraph with invalid configuration. Invalid fields are indicated on the GUI. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (7 November 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01188) Installer -> Prevent installation from failing during Firewall exception processing. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (4 November 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02176) Download Data -> Added ability to download only harmonic data for events and trends. - (B-02175) Download Data -> Added ability to download only RMS data for events and trends. - (B-02177) Download Data -> Continue targeted downloads when communications gets interrupted. - (B-02119) Events -> Added ability to view and playback Phasor data. - (B-02166) Events -> Added EN50160:2010 Standard. - (B-02165) Export -> Added SA Legacy Export Functionality. - (B-02163) Help -> Added "Check for Update" button (with daily automatic update check). FIXED - (D-01174) Events, Telemetry Trends -> Parameter tree under certain conditions has inconsistent behavior and state. - (D-01186) Installer -> Fixed installation problems on non-English operating systems. CHANGED - (B-02163) Help -> Changed "Report Issue" link to a button. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (2 Oct 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02117) VectoGraphs can now be configured and downloaded. - (B-02135) Download Data -> Added ability to download 10 minute trends only for trends. - (B-02118) Events, Telemetry Trends -> Added ability to view and playback Harmonic Spectrum data. - (B-02141) Import Data -> Added functionality to specify import from host. - (B-02129) Manage Instrument -> (a) Added "Disable Storer Service" option. (b) Added "Enable Storer Service" option. (b) Added "Enable Modbus Protocol" option. (d) Added "Disable Modbus Protocol" option. - (B-02025) System Log Events -> Added ability to copy selected log entries to the Windows clipboard. FIXED - (D-01183) Events, Telemetry Trends -> Fixed incorrect scaling of non-scalable chart parameter types, eg. percentage. - (B-02123) "Execute" button on "Manage Instruments" screen is now disabled as appropriate for disconnected instruments. - (B-02130) Linking a meter point to an instrument where the meter point is not currently linked, now uses the correct meter point id. - (B-02142) Event viewer now shows all cycles for aggregated events instead of just the first portion. - (B-02147) Spark lines on event viewer now displays correctly (and possibly differently) for different classification standards. - (D-01174) Events, Telemetry Trends -> Fixed various parameter tree state problems. - (D-01184) Addressables -> Fixed grid to select first offline instrument automatically if it is not done. - (QA-0035) Delete Meter Data -> Fixed progress indicator not being removed from the screen. CHANGED - (B-02122) Spark lines on event viewer are now blank for current parameters when current was not measured. - (B-02129) Manage Instrument -> (a) Moved "Reset Instrument" from Delete Meter Data to Manage Instrument. (b) Layout updated. - (B-02141) Import Data -> Layout updated. - (B-02137) Events, Telemetry Trends -> (a) Show min / max parameters as dashed lines. (b) Ensure that min / max has the same color as the associated channel parameter. - (B-02025) System Log Events -> Changed row styling events based on severity and origin. KNOWN ISSUES - (B-02118) Events, Telemetry Trends -> Spectrum chart bars sometimes turn red during playback. - (D-01174) Events, Telemetry Trends -> Parameter sometimes under certain conditions has inconsistent behavior and state. ================================================================================== Version (17 Sep 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01183) Events, Telemetry Trends -> Fixed incorrect scaling of non-scalable chart parameter types, eg. percentage. - (QA-0038) Data import only imports meta data CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (27 August 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02100) Configuration -> Added Synchrophasor interval options for 50Hz and 60Hz supply frequencies. - (D-01149) Configuration -> Added message detailing terminal voltage in relation to voltage level and vt ratio. - (B-02028) Events, Telemetry Trends -> (a) Added SI suffix to vertical axis titles. (b) Added scaling of data according to calculated SI suffix. - (B-02004) Events, Telemetry Trends -> Added toggle button to show / hide an editable title for a chart. - (B-02061) Manage Templates -> Added [Save to Instruments] button to save selected template to online instrument(s). FIXED - (QA-34) For datasets with more than 100 000 lines of data, no CSV file is created during the CSV export. - (D-01175) Trends -> Chart titles contained unformatted period descriptions. - (D-01176) Delete Osprey Data -> Delete busy indicator remained visible on the screen when clicking [Delete]. - (D-01177) Configuration -> Saving a template with a name that already exists, does not display the correct error message. - (B-02113) Creating a new meter point on Android caused an incomplete automatic configuration to be loaded in Osprey (without the corresponding meter point). - (B-02114) Events -> Detail data not displaying for timed events. - (D-01178) Trends, Telemetry -> Adding multiple series' to a chart causes the chart to fail. - (D-01179) Service connection temporarily lost, causing some screens to have invalid state once the connection is re-established. CHANGED - (B-02088) Delete Meter Data, Delete Osprey Data -> Changed data range selectors to enable date and time selection. - (B-02104) Timed Recording -> Changed validation rules and minor user interface improvements. - (D-01171) Import Data -> (a) Removed Instrument selector. (b) Provisioned additional file extensions supported for data importing. (c) Combined [Import from Instrument] and [Import from DB] into one [Import] function. - (QA) Harmonics sorted by harmonic number on CSV export. - (B-02111) Telemetry -> Randomised line colours for all parameters. - (B-02110) Help -> Changed version number display format. - (B-02109) Events, Telemetry Trends -> Improved line colours for the various charts and parameters. KNOWN ISSUES - (D-01174) Events, Telemetry Trends -> Parameters tree often allow different parameter types to be selected on the same chart. ================================================================================== Version (1 August 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (D-01173) Timed recordings not using interval minutes field correctly. - (B-02107) Fixed NULL Residual Voltage issue in RETURN_EVENT_CLASS when only channel 3 is used. - (B-02108) Fixed RETURN_EVENTS_NRS048_2_2007 date range issue whereby Start instead of End date was used. CHANGED - N/A KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (30 July 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (B-02103) On site assessment report, fixed spelling and grammar mistakes. - (D-01172) Cannot import from export without security data. CHANGED - (B-02102) On site assessment report, limited the decimal places to 1 or 2 where applicable. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (21 July 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02095) Merge -> Added confirmation dialog when clicking [Merge] button. FIXED - (D-01147) Configuration -> Saving a Template for the first time caused an error. - (D-01148) Real-time View -> Current Harmonic charts displayed incorrectly for "Q" and "S". - (D-01150) Register Instruments -> Ability to register an Instrument. - (D-01151) Trends -> Harmonic selection under Parameters not working. - (B-02092) Osprey Service Control now better checks for service status when restarting service. - (D-01152) Download Data -> Duplicate drop-down list options. - (D-01157) Fixed data series on Voltage Magnitude Daily 7 Day Assessment Report. - (D-01158) NRS048 Assessment now takes IEC flag into account. - (D-01160) Error Dialog -> Stacktrace displayed on Error window not logged along with Error message. - (D-01162) Restarting MeterGateway erroneously reset the instrument. Fixed. - (D-01164) Instrument now immediately shows as disconnected after initiating a reboot. - (D-01166) Fixed calculations of 7-Day Voltage Assessment Data. - (D-01165) Addressables -> Disconnected Instrument's Meter Point(s) remained visible when "Online Only" was enabled. CHANGED - (B-02094) Manage Instrument -> Removed success alert dialog when performing "Enable Secure Shell" option. - (B-02096) Delete Meter Data -> Changed "Meters" tab to only show connected instruments. - (D-01163) Update confirmation messages for Restart Storer / MeterGateway / Instrument. - (D-01167) Adjusted Y-Axis Ranges for 10 Minute Assessments in NRS048 Report. - (B-02097) Real-time View -> Changed Meter Point lists to sort ascendingly. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (14 July 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - (B-02078) Addressables -> (a) Added default ascending sort of "Name" column on "Meter Point" tab. (b) Added default ascending sort of "Serial Number" column on "Meter" tab. - (B-02074) Configuration -> Added 220KV, 330KV "Voltage Level" options. - (B-01974) Delete Meter Data -> Added [Reset Instrument] button. - (B-02044) Download Data -> Added ability to override download chunk sizes. - (B-02072) Download Data -> Added "Serial Number" field. - (B-02073) Error Dialog -> Added [Report] button. - (B-02053, B-01976) Help -> Implemented About, Help and Release Notes detail. - (B-02073) Help -> Added "Report an Issue" link. - (B-02069) Manage Instrument -> Added new UI feature. FIXED - (D-01139) Configuration -> "Three-Phase Voltage Interruption" Monitor must set "Lower Limit" instead of "Upper Limit". - (D-01143) Configuration -> (a) Creating Meter Point with a name that already exists, not handled correctly. (b) Input validations when creating a Meter Point, not hanlded consistently. - (D-01141) Download Data -> (a) [Download] incorrectly enabled when no active instrument selected. (b) [Connect] incorrectly enabled when active instrument doesn't have an IP address. - (D-01142) Addressables -> "Online Only" list doesn't update when a registered instrument's connection status changes. CHANGED - (B-02078) Addressables -> Reordered "Meter Point" and "Meter" tabs. - (B-02069) Address Book -> Removed [Change Highwater Marks] and [Sync Instrument Time] buttons. - (B-02074) Configuration -> Excluded "Voltage Level" of "Other" from difference between "Voltage Level" and "Declared Voltage" calculations. - (B-01974) Delete Meter Data -> Reworked detail screen. - (B-02078) Download Data -> Changed Instrument selection pane with Addressables selection panes. - (B-02044) Download Data -> Reworked detail screen. - (B-02077) Export -> (a) Removed "Id" field. (b) Updated "Voltage Level" display to handle unit conversions correctly. - (B-02069) Update Firmware -> Removed [Enable SSH] button. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A ================================================================================== Version (27 June 2014) ================================================================================== NEW - N/A FIXED - (B-00000) Events -> NRS048 classification integrity issues. CHANGED - (B-00000) Events -> Removed "Residual Voltage" column from results grid. KNOWN ISSUES - N/A